
Showing posts from September, 2024

The seas of the uk

 In geography this week we were looking at the seas surrounding the United Kingdom. We used atlases to find the seas and name them, before writing them onto a map. We then thought about physical features that we would see near the sea including cliffs, coast and caves before drawing a picture of the coast to label these features. 

Dragon on the loose!

 Year 2 received some scary news today that a dragon has escaped from the magical zoo and has been spotted at Gurnard. We even saw a picture of him in the corridor! We were told that the dragon is friendly but breathes fire when he is scared! We made posters to warn people about him. 

English editing our work

 This week in English we have been writing our own versions of the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Today we learnt all about editing and how we need to check our work for errors to improve it. We had a go at editing a piece of Mrs Squibb’s work before trying to check our own work. 

English retelling the story

 In English today we were looking at retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood ready to write our own version next week. We had a go at sequencing the story and placing the events in the correct order. We then had a go at making our own stick puppets and retelling the story.